IR consulting
Establishing new levels of trust with the investment community
We are convinced that in the modern world, a company cannot succeed unless it complies with the principles of sustainable development and follows an effective ESG strategy.
We embed ESG in your business strategy and show you how to unlock sustainable dividends from sustainable development.
We will analyse all ESG aspects, assess risks and identify bottlenecks
We will highlight top-priority ESG themes and draft a list of proposed necessary changes
We will develop an ESG strategy and integrate it into your company’s business strategy
We will build a disclosure system, form a position on the most pressing issues, and establish dialogue with ESG rating agencies
We will help you join ESG initiatives, lift your ESG ratings, and set up dialogue with key ESG investors
Establishing new levels of trust with the investment community
Openness and transparency
Representing your interests in financial transactions on the Russian and international markets
Comfortable business environment